I am looking for data for a specific city or county of the state. Where do I find this?
VISIT FLORIDA tracks information for the entire state and by eight geographic vacation regions. We do not keep data on specific cities or counties. This information can best be obtained from the local Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB). The Florida Association of Destination Marketing Organizations maintains a list of local destination marketing organizations.
How many visitors came to Florida last year?
Florida's tourism industry was responsible for welcoming a record-setting 142.9 million visitors in 2024, an increase of 1.6% from 2023. For current figures, please check the research page on VISITFLORIDA.org.
Do most visitors come to Florida by car or plane?
The air/non-air split for all visitors (not including residents) in 2023 is estimated to have been 39.9% by air and 60.1% by non-air means.
How many international visitors come to Florida?
Estimates indicate that in 2023, 11.5 million visitors came to Florida from Canadian and overseas markets. Overseas visitation to Florida is estimated at 8.3 million in 2023, an increase of 18.3% from 2022 (and a decrease of 15.2% from 2019), with overseas travelers making up 5.9% of total visitors. Canadian visitation is estimated at 3.2 million, an increase of 19.8% from 2022 (and a decrease of 21.0% from 2019), with Canadians representing 2.3% of total visitors. While Canadian and overseas visitation was lower in 2023 than it had been in pre-pandemic 2019, it moved significantly closer to full recovery than it had been in 2022.
How many domestic visitors choose Florida as a destination?
Estimates indicate that domestic travel to Florida was up by 1.1% in 2023 compared to 2022 and by 10.2% compared to 2019, with 129.1 million domestic visits to Florida. Domestic visitation represented 91.8% of the total visitation to the state in 2023, down from 92.9% in 2022.
What states do domestic visitors to Florida come from?
The top origin states for domestic visitors to Florida in 2023 were Georgia (10.2%), New York (8.2%), and Texas (5.7%).
What countries do international travelers to Florida come from?
The top origin countries to Florida in 2023 were Canada (3.2 million), the United Kingdom (1.1 million), Brazil (1.0 million), Colombia (565k), and Mexico (514k).
What activities do Florida visitors participate in the most?
The most popular activities for domestic visitors in 2022 were beach or waterfront activities (39%), shopping (24%), and culinary/dining (22%). Overseas visitors in 2023 cited shopping (87%), sightseeing (72%), and amusement and theme parks (46%) as the most popular activities while in Florida.
How many people are employed in tourism in Florida?
In 2023, visitor spending directly and indirectly supported 2.1 million jobs in the state.
What is the hotel occupancy in Florida?
In 2023, the statewide average hotel/motel occupancy rate was 69.1%. This was a decrease of 2.2% from 2022. Source: STR
What is the average daily room rate in Florida?
In 2023, the average daily room rate was $188.76. This was up 0.3% from 2022. Source: STR.
How many hotel rooms are in Florida?
As of December 2023, there were 494,122 hotel and motel rooms in Florida spread over 4,659 properties. For more information contact the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation who track these statistics.
What is a bed tax?
Counties may levy a tourist development tax or "bed tax" as a percent of the total charge (rate varies depending on county) for the lease or rental of living accommodations in any hotel, apartment hotel, motel, resort motel, apartment, apartment motel, rooming house, recreational vehicle park, mobile home park or condominium for a term of six months or less. The Florida Department of Revenue, Office of Tax Research collects and tracks bed tax collections by Florida county. For more information, visit the Florida Department of Revenue website at www.floridarevenue.com.
What is Florida's population?
The U.S. Census estimated Florida's population in 2023 to be 22.6 million people, a 1.6% percent increase from 2022. For more information visit the U.S. Census Bureau's website at www.census.gov.
How many people move to Florida each year?
VISIT FLORIDA does not track how many people relocate to the state each year, but the U.S. Census Bureau does and refers to it as "Domestic Migration" (www.census.gov).
How many "snowbirds" does Florida have?
Since many seasonal residents ("snowbirds") own homes and are part-time residents of the state, they are not tracked by VISIT FLORIDA.
How many nature parks are in Florida?
There are 175 state parks and 35 state forests (www.floridastateparks.org). There are also 11 national parks, preserves, seashores or monuments, 3 national forests, and 1 national scenic trail (www.us-national-parks.net). For additional information check the websites listed above.
I've clicked on several links and need a password. How do I get the information there?
As a private company, some of our information is public and some is available by password to the companies that have invested in us as Partners. If you would like information on how to become a VISIT FLORIDA Partner, click here.
*Preliminary data subject to revision.
Note: When using any of our research statistics please credit VISIT FLORIDA Research. Unless otherwise sourced, this data is copyright protected.
For more detailed Florida tourism information, please contact the VISIT FLORIDA Research Team at research@VISITFLORIDA.org.