
Statement from Ken Lawson on VISIT FLORIDA Funding

January 24, 2018

“While it’s still early in the process, the Florida Senate’s initial proposal to cut VISIT FLORIDA’s funding to $50 million is disappointing. Over the past year, we’ve restructured VISIT FLORIDA to ensure we are completely transparent, accountable, and efficient from top to bottom. At the same time, we’ve developed some of the most cutting-edge marketing [...]

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VISIT FLORIDA Releases New Economic Impact Figures

January 18, 2018

TALLAHASSEE, Fla—Today, VISIT FLORIDA released new figures on the economic impact of visitors to Florida. In 2016, out-of-state visitor spending in Florida reached a record $112 billion, an increase of 2.7 percent over the previous year. Visitors generated $88 billion, or roughly 10 percent, of Florida’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP), up 4.2 percent over [...]

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